Monday, June 09, 2008

Bronze Wing Pigeon in a power dive.

The body of the bird matches the branches.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Magpie Geese fly by.

Brown Kite, feeding. Northern Territory

Freshwater crocodile, Northern Territory

A black Northern Territory cockatoo

A bit shy

A cornered wild Buffalo, time to leave!

A Water Buffalo makes his territory

Termites at work

Termites begin construction of a new mound. This appeared after one nights work

Estuarine Crocodile Daly River Northern Territory

White fronted Sea Eagle

Locked togeather in mating, for hours!

Butterfly making the wing spots, "highlighted" in blue to attract a mate

On a Daly River sandbar

Daly River gudgeon

Saturday, June 07, 2008


Pink Crested Galahas

NT Brown Snake

A cautious drink

Bye Bye Birdie.

A bit shy!

Cherabin on the lid off a twenty litre drum, to provide an indication of size.